For more than a decade, has maintained one focus: delivering all-original content to American luxury-yacht owners and buyers, plus their immediate advisers. Many current readers were among the website visitors in those early days. Others became regular readers more recently. Regardless of where you fall, you consistently provide us with valuable feedback. So, we’d like you to provide even more feedback, through the annual reader survey.
Hundreds of you fill this out year after year, and we’re grateful for your continued comments and support. You’re the reason why we publish at least one story, oftentimes two or more, every day, including weekends. In fact, a desire for more information and yes, even entertainment led us to add back weekend coverage about a year ago. If you’re new to, know that your honest opinions help shape our editorial efforts. It also helps shape the website, and we do mean literally shape. Seeing increasing readership on mobile devices, we launched our first mobile-friendly design seven years ago. This was well before several other yachting media did so. (Surprisingly, at least one online media outlet still does not have a mobile-friendly site.) We’re making another design change behind the scenes right now, launching in early 2019, to make mobile viewing and interaction even easier.
Based on the results of this reader survey, we’ll make further changes to our content and design. We know your time is valuable, so the reader survey is quick and easy. It takes no more than two minutes to complete.
If you’re a subscriber to our newsletter, you received a link within the past week. If you’re not a subscriber, you can fill out the reader survey here.
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